
Psychology and skin: a dermatologist’s perspective

The connection between mind and skin

The mind-body connection is something that is heavily contemplated by practitioners of yoga and a form of alternative medicine known as naturopathy. But how does it apply to traditional medicine?

Did you know that there is a field of dermatology that focuses on understanding how mental and emotional factors impact the skin, and how psychological techniques can be utilized to treat various skin conditions? It’s called psychodermatology.

“Research focusing on adults with acne has found that patients often complain of flares in conjunction with anxiety, stress, or frustration”


  1. Orion E, Wolf R. Clin Dermatol 2014; 32(6): 763-766.
  2. Miniszewska J et al. Postepy Dermatol Alergol 2013; 30(2): 91-95.

The mind body connection


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