
Tough love

Introducing Alison

Alison is married and lives with her husband and cat in Runcorn, Manchester. She is a Medical Writer with a degree in neuroscience who is very curious about how others see the world. Alison has had psoriasis for 7 years, during which time she has been through many ups and downs with her symptoms.

Unlike mine, my mum's psoriasis isn't that visible, and is controlled with cream now she's been correctly diagnosed.

I love my mum, but she isn't always the most tactful person, and sometimes psoriasis has made our relationship a bit tense.

"When my GP said to me 'Does anyone in your family have psoriasis?' I remembered the eczema that mum couldn't get rid of"

When I was younger and living at home, my mum would see me first thing in the morning, and I would know if my psoriasis was particularly noticeable that day because she would pull 'the face'.

It was the same one she used when she didn't like my new haircut, or the outfit I was wearing. Lips pursed, head shaking, she would say in a disappointed voice:

"Ali...your skin's not looking good is it...?"

I didn't appreciate being told I looked rough before I'd even had my breakfast, so would normally just tell her:

"It's fine mum. I haven't put my make-up on yet."

And slouch back upstairs feeling grumpy and self-conscious.

I realise now mum was just trying to be honest with me. Because she's had psoriasis, she knows that it can be itchy and uncomfortable, and she worries about how others will treat me because of the way my skin looks.

Worrying and (sometimes brutal) honesty are just her way of showing that she cares. I know I can count on mum to be there when I need her - like when I had a bad flare-up before my friend's wedding, and dragged her all over town looking for a concealer.

Alison's advice

I'd tell others with psoriasis to be patient with the people they care about. It is easy to be self-conscious about your appearance if your skin is all red and flaky, but try to assume the best and not the worst if they say something insensitive, rather than getting defensive or angry. Like my mum, they probably didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

Even though I can't always express it, I want what is best for my mum - and I know that she wants what is best for me.


Seeing past psoriasis

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